

My name is Kyber Punk and you’ve managed to stumble upon my website. Congrats, choom*!

I am a 30+ year old artist from Finland who took a great interest in the sci-fi sub-genre of cyberpunk back in the year 2013 when I first played Deus Ex: Human Revolution. My interest in the dark future has grown ever since and I feel that the genre is relevant now more than ever.

This is a page where I will be sharing all of my cyberpunk comics and artworks that I’ve made throughout the years. I made this website because it would give me much more freedom on how I express myself online (and also it just feels damn good to have your own website, not gonna lie).

Looking forward to sharing my creative works with you all! Enjoy your stay 🙂

Kyber Punk

*choom= Neo-Afro-American slang for a friend or a family member