[caption id="attachment_219" align="aligncenter" width="1810"]
Digital art comic book. In the first panel a thug looks at the situation with gritted teeth. He thinks in his mind: "Where the fuck did that shot come from? Did a sniper pick his leg off from a nearby building? Was this room boobytrapped?" In the second panel there's a close-up of his cybereye and he thinks: "NO! A sniper wouldn't have a line of sight to shoot here from nearby! And if this room was boobytrapped then I would have stepped on a bomb first. Then it can only mean that the other one was hiding under the bed this whole time! Gotta act quick!" In the third panel the thug leader takes a swing with his axe and yells: "Oh you're so dead now bitch!" In the fourth panel, there's an intense close up of Roxie's eyes and it looks that they're full of determination. In the last panel we can see Roxie's forearm opening up mechanically to reveal something.[/caption]